Move In Day!


Well, after what seemed like an endless wait, I’m finally at UW! Move-in yesterday went much more smoothly than I expected. After the chaos of unpacking, I’m not sure I will be able to find anything, but at least everything’s put away, right?

I did my best to break in the room by covering my wall with pictures…though I don’t think there are nearly enough! Once I finish decorating, I will be sure to put up more pictures!

Yesterday after we unpacked, Maya and I went with our parents to the Ave, bought our books, and then went to U Village for a few last minute purchases. We spent a bit of time that afternoon/evening exploring the IMA and the area around the Quad. Today I will be going museum hopping, as it is Smithsonian Museum day, and many of the museums across the country are free. If you get a chance, you should definitely try a museum in your area! Admission cards can be found here.

More pictures/stories soon! (as soon as I have stories to tell, that is!)


Filed under College

6 responses to “Move In Day!

  1. Heather

    Oh hey! That poster you made turned out well 😀 You know, I think that’s what you should do for Christmas presents (unless it’s expensive) cause I think that would be cool to have a poster you made XD (yeah, I’m not hinting or anything).

    I felt the same way about my walls actually (if you can believe it) I still feel like I have so much white space. I figure we’ll accumulate things as we go on through the year.

    • charissajanee

      Ooh, good idea! Maybe you’ll be getting a poster in a couple of months 😉

      I think my walls will be covered quickly….my mom just brought over some magazines today, and I’m sure they will be plastered all over my walls in no time 🙂

  2. Your room is looking very cute so far! I really like your bedspread! 🙂

    • charissajanee

      Thank you! Yeah, I like my quilt too, because it matches everything 🙂

      Except pink. Which is unfortunate. But a sacrifice I was willing to make 😛

  3. banana12

    i really like your quilt too! it’s super cute and adds a lot of color. i’m not digging the whiteness that seems to be a trend in dorm rooms…

  4. Kiersten

    I miss you! Your room is very “Charissa” if that makes sense. I think that’s what you were going for =]

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